June-Woo Kim
Department of Artificial Intelligence, Kyungpook National University Email: kaen2891xkxkxk@knu.ac.kr / kaen2891xkxkxk@gmail.com CV, Linkedin, Github |
Dec. 2024: A paper on 'Call-for-help keyword spotting' accepted at ICASSP 2025.
Dec. 2024: I passed my PhD defense and I will be graduating with my PhD February 2025!
Jul. 2024: A journal paper on 'DL-based Quantitative Analysis of Exosomes from Cancers' accepted at Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2024 (IF 8.0).
Jun. 2024: A journal paper on 'Military Audio Dataset for Situational Awareness and Surveillance' accepted at Scientific Data 2024 (IF 9.8).
Jun. 2024: A paper on 'Bridging the Text and Sound Modalities for Respiratory Sound' accepted at INTERSPEECH 2024.
Publications Google Scholar *: 1st co-authors, †: corresponding authors, C: conferences, J: journals, W: workshops, P: preprints 2024
[P4] Myeonghoon Ryu*†, June-Woo Kim*†, Minseok Oh, Suji Lee, Han Park. Noise-Agnostic Multitask Whisper Training for Reducing False Alarm Errors in Call-for-Help Detection. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) 2025. | |
[P3] June-Woo Kim*, Dhruv Agarwal*†, Federica Cerina. Understanding Frechet Speech Distance for Synthetic Speech Quality Evaluation. Preprint | |
[P2] June-Woo Kim*, Haram Yoon, Bung-Nyun Kim, Sang-Yeol Lee, Dae-Jin Kim, Seong-Eun Moon, Yera Choi†, Chan-Mo Yang†. Deep Learning Analysis of Voice Biomarkers for Treatment Response in Adolescent MDD. Preprint | |
[P1] June-Woo Kim, Miika Toikkanen, Amin Jalali, Minseok Kim, Hye-Ji Han, Hyunwoo Kim, Wonwoo Shin, Ho-Young Jung†, Kyunghoon Kim†. Adaptive Metadata-Guided Supervised Contrastive Learning for Domain Adaptation on Respiratory Sound Classification. Preprint | |
[J7] Dong-Uk Han, Subin Park, June-Woo Kim, Chan-Hyeong Lee, Ju-Hyun Bae, Ho-Young Jung, Moon-Chang Baek†, Young Ki Han†. Multiplexed Detection Platform Implemented with Magnetic Encoding and Deep Learning-based Decoding for Quantitative Analysis of Exosomes from Cancers. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2024. [webpage] | |
[J6] June-Woo Kim, Chihyeon Yoon, Ho-Young Jung†. A Military Audio Dataset for Situational Awareness and Surveillance. Scientific Data 2024. [code] [webpage] | |
[C6] June-Woo Kim, Miika Toikkanen, Yera Choi, Seong-Eun Moon†, Ho-Young Jung†. BTS: Bridging Text and Sound Modalities for Metadata-Aided Respiratory Sound Classification. Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH) 2024. [pdf] [code] | |
[C5] June-Woo Kim, Miika Toikkanen, Sangmin Bae, Minseok Kim†, Ho-Young Jung†. RepAugment: Input-Agnostic Representation-Level Augmentation for Respiratory Sound Classification. International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC) 2024. [pdf] | |
[C4] June-Woo Kim, Sangmin Bae, Won-Yang Cho, Byungjo Lee, Ho-Young Jung†. Stethoscope-guided Supervised Contrastive Learning for Cross-domain Adaptation on Respiratory Sound Classification. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) 2024. [pdf] [code] |
[W1] June-Woo Kim, C. Yoon, M. Toikkanen, S. Bae, Ho-Young Jung†. Adversarial Fine-tuning using Generated Respiratory Sound to Address Class Imbalance. Neural Information Processing Systems Workshop on Deep Generative Models for Health (NeurIPSW) 2023. [webpage] [demo] | |
[J6] June-Woo Kim, Hoon Chung, Ho-Young Jung†. Spectral Salt-and-Pepper Patch Masking for Self-Supervised Speech Representation Learning. Mathematics 2023. [webpage] | |
[C3] Sangmin Bae*, June-Woo Kim*, Won-Yang Cho, Hyerim Baek, Soyoun Son, Byungjo Lee, Changwan Ha, Kyongpil Tae, Sungnyun Kim†, Se-Young Yun†. Patch-Mix Contrastive Learning with Audio Spectrogram Transformer on Respiratory Sound Classification. Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH) 2023. [pdf] [code] | |
[J5] June-Woo Kim, Hoon Chung, Ho-Young Jung†. Unsupervised Representation Learning with Task-Agnostic Feature Masking for Robust End-to-End Speech Recognition . Mathematics 2023. [webpage] |
[J4] June-Woo Kim, Hyekyung Yoon, Ho-Young Jung†. Improved Spoken Language Representation for Intent Understanding in a Task-Oriented Dialogue System. Sensors 2022. [webpage] |
[J3] June-Woo Kim, Hyekyung Yoon, Ho-Young Jung†. Linguistic-Coupled Age-to-Age Voice Translation to Improve Speech Recognition Performance in Real Environments. IEEE ACCESS 2021. [webpage] |
[J2] June-Woo Kim, Ho-Young Jung†. End-to-End Speech Recognition Models using Limited Training Data. Phonetics and Speech Sciences 2020. [webpage] | |
[J1] June-Woo Kim, Ho-Young Jung†. Voice-to-voice Conversion using Transformer Network. Phonetics and Speech Sciences 2020. [webpage] | |
[C2] June-Woo Kim, Ho-Young Jung, Minho Lee†. Vocoder-free End-to-End Voice Conversion with Transformer Network. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) 2020. [pdf] [webpage] [demo] |
[C1] Myungsu Chae, Tae-Ho Kim, Younghoon Shin, June-Woo Kim, Soo-Young Lee†. End-to-End Multimodal Emotion and Gender Recognition with Dynamic Weights of Joint Loss. International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systmes Workshop (IROSW) 2018. [pdf] [code] |
Awards and Honors
© 2023 June-Woo Kim Thanks Sangmin Bae for the template.